Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Politics is meaningless Essay

George Orwell wrote an essay entitled â€Å"Politics and the English Language† in 1946 scrutinizing the modern written English because of its ugliness and inaccuracy. Political prose according to him is composed to create lies seem true, make committing crime honorable, and present the gas phase into solid one. This simply means that the language used in political prose is fuzzy and has no meaning because it conceals the truth rather than showing it and this even influences those writers who have no intention to hide the truth and this uncertain prose covers the writer’s idea. Imitation disseminates the bad writing habits and is also criticized by Orwell. He believes that writers must change this habit into deep thinking on what they say because deep thinking is an essential step to political regeneration. Five examples of text are selected by Orwell, they show different iniquity in one’s mind which the readers undergo today. They are Harold Laski that shows five negative in 53 words; Lancelot Hogben has mixed metaphor; an essay on psychology in Politics is meaningless; a communist pamphlet views a collection of stale phrases and a letter in Tribune, the meaning is not suited to the words. He recognizes many frauds and twisting of the meaning from these texts which he categorizes as â€Å"Dying Metaphors†, â€Å"Operators or Verbal False Limbs†, â€Å"Pretentious Diction†, and â€Å"Meaningless Words. † Orwell notice that pompous latinized style is used by the modern prose writers instead of definite terms and to prove this, he contrasts the parody in â€Å"modern English† to an essential biblical sermon. According to him, concept affects language and language can be affected by concept. To keep from the kind of flaws that he mentions, Orwell proposes six rules to follow, everybody could learn all of them but of course still commits mistake. He also clarifies that he prefers to use language rather than the literary use of language as an implement for showing and not for hiding the thought. Lastly, he even accepts that though he has suggested many things about this topic still he recognizes that he has his own flaws and sometimes he even commits the same errors. Work Cited Orwell, George. â€Å"Politics and the English Language† ( 1946 ) http://orwell. ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Book Review of a Thousand Splendid Suns

Book Review of A Thousand Splendid Suns 17th century Afghanistan poet Saib-e-Tabrizi wrote this commendatory poem after visiting Kabul. ‘Every street of Kabul is enthralling to the eye; Through the bazaars, caravans of Egypt pass; One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs; And the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls. ’ In this world there are still many women say that they are suffering unfair treatment and demand for the right to vote, the right to manage.But to the women who had experienced two Afghanistan war (The first time Afghanistan war: from 1979 to 1989, the former Soviet Union armed invasion of Afghanistan. Second Afghanistan war: the second Afghanistan war in 2001 is based on United States-led coalition forces on October 7, 2001 for Afghanistan war cover to the Organization and the Taliban, for the United States on the revenge of the 911 incident, also marks the start of the war against terrorism. Not ended. ), the only thing what t hey want is to live.Khaled Hosseini has lived in the United States since he was fifteen years old and is an American citizen. His 2003 debut novel, The Kite Runner, was an international bestseller, selling more than 12 million copies worldwide. His second, A Thousand Splendid Suns, was released on May 22, 2007. In 2008, the book was the bestselling novel in Britain (as of April 11, 2008), with more than 700,000 copies sold. In 2006, he was appointed United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Office) goodwill ambassadors, currently residing in Northern California.The Buffalo News says ‘Hosseini's literary abilities are such that he is able to do what all great artists do: take individual stories and, through the alchemy of insight, compassion and expression, universalize them—thereby turning them into art. ’ For reasons why he wrote this novel, Khaled Hosseini is saying ‘ although life is filled with pain and bitterness but each a sad plot can let people see hope in the Sun. Each faces behind dusty has a soul. Dedicated to Afghanistan's women.In 2003, returning to Kabul I see wearing traditional female twos and threes to go masked costume in the streets, was trailing behind their children dressed in rags, begging passers-by give change. At that moment, I would like to know, where they have been taken to life. What they dream, hope and desire? Did they talk about love? Husband how man? Spread in Afghanistan in the years to 20 years of war, they lost what? I talked with many women in Kabul; their stories are real people and heart.When I began to write of the thousand splendid Suns (a Thousand Splendid Suns), I find myself constantly think of those full of toughness of Afghanistan women. I though they may not be thrown describing Laila or Mariam source of inspiration for the role of the story, however their voices, faces and life stories of perseverance has always haunted me, and about the novel, I had a most inspiring is from Afghani stan collective spiritual power of women. ’ Mariam (She is my favorite role in this book), the illegitimate child of a Herat businessman, is forced into a loveless marriage at age fifteen to a middle-aged Kabul shoemaker, Rasheed.He demands absolute obedience from his spouse, as well as strict observance of Islamic customs restricting the movement, appearance and attire of women. In the early years of their marriage, Rasheed's mandates run counter to the modernizing forces in Kabul, where many women hold professional jobs, teach at the university, or run for public office. But with the rise of the Taliban, a whole society falls into lockstep with these dictates of Sharia, traditional Muslim law.Laila, a woman young enough to be Mariam's daughter, becomes a reluctant member of this household, when her parents are killed in a bombing, and all her friends have either die d or departed from Kabul. Rasheed takes her on as a second wife, and his bullying and overbearing behavior gr ow all the worse as the two women band together to resist his authoritarian control over their lives. When they try to escape, an Afghani man betrays them at the bus station and takes Laila's hard-saved money. This makes Rasheed even more abusive.A few years later the Taliban come into town, and all the stereotypes of the Taliban are emphasized, as if Hosseini was given the charter to reinforce them. Mariam ends up killing Rasheed in trying to save Laila from being killed by him. So, Mariam is executed by the Taliban, who â€Å"cannot† accept her story because of her being a woman. Thus, Mariam's woeful existence comes to end. Her whole life is a necklace of tragic events, pieced together one after another. And with her death, the reader is left with an enduring sense of sadness for M ariam, especially in the fact that Hosseini never did give her a break in her fictional life.As for Laila, she ends up traveling to Pakistan to marry her original love(r), eventually returning b ack to Kabul to work with an orphanage. The novel traces the trials and tribulations of Mariam and Laila as they struggle for survival, and eventually plan for a daring escape attempt that puts them at odds. Not only with Rasheed, but also with an entire society that sees them as little more than chattel. Hosseini skillfully develops the complexities and predicaments of his plot, which constantly intersects with political and social events in recent Afghan history.When I saw this book, thinking it may like The Kite Runner; finally, we will smile for the happy ending. But I was wrong. I was shocked when I read to Mariam lastly dead in order for Laila’s escaping. In the past years, Mariam has been in a miserable life. A birth is being neighbors’ laugh at, played a trick on illegitimate. Once a month to see her father. Then, naively think can and live with the father, but has to face her mother's death and father’s betrayal. At the age of 15, she is arranged to mar ry Rasheed, a shoemaker from Kabul who is thirty years her senior Also is not out of the mother's grief is far to marry someone from distance. She turned to Jalil again,’ tell them. Tell them you won’t do this’ Waiting. A silence fell over the room. Jalil kept twirling his wedding band, with a bruised, helpless look on his face. From inside the cabinet, the clock ticked on and on. † When I saw here, I feel myself becoming Mariam, despite knowing the answer is ‘ no ‘ but also hope that their father would not do such cruel things. In Kabul, Mariam becomes pregnant seven successive times, but is never able to carry a child to term, and Rasheed gradually becomes more abusive. â€Å"His powerful hands clasped her jaw.He shoved two fingers into her mouth and pried it open, then forced the cold, hard pebbles into it. Mariam struggled against him, mumbling, but he kept pushing the pebbles in, his upper lip curled in a sneer. ‘Now chew,’ h e said. Through the mouthful of grit and pebbles, Mariam mumbled a plea. Tears were leaking out of the corners of her eyes. ‘CHEW! ’ he bellowed. A gust of his smoky breath slammed against her face. Mariam chewed. Something in the back of her mouth cracked. ’Good,’ Rasheed said. His cheeks were quivering. ‘Now you know what your rice tastes like.Now you know what you've given me in this marriage. Bad food, and nothing else. ‘Then he was gone, leaving Mariam to spit out pebbles, blood, and the fragments of two broken molars†. Beside the shortly peace time of weeding,, Mariam has always been that a dozen years of life. Full of cursing and render phase. Read here, how much I hope that she will be a turning point in life. She can have a happy life, a long time to heal he pain since childhood and adolescence. But life is often not as we expected. After Laila marry to Rasheed, Mariam's identity than wife more like a maid.Mariam also abhorred La ila, but after all, both they are poor women. So, when Mariam says â€Å"There's nothing more I want. Everything I'd ever wished for as a little girl, you've already given me. You and your children have made me so very happy. It's all right, Laila jo. This is all right. Don't be sad. â€Å"Laila could find no reasonable answer for anything Mariam said. But she rambled on anyway, incoherently, childishly, about fruit trees that awaited planting and chickens that waited rising. She went on about small houses in unnamed towns, and walks to trout filled lakes.And, in the end, when the words dried up, the tears did not, and all Laila could do was surrender and sob like a child over whelmed by an adult's unassailable logic. All she could do was roll herself up and bury her face one last time in the welcoming warmth of Mariam's lap. Later that morning, Mariam packed Zalmai a small lunch of bread and dried figs. For Aziza too she packed some figs, and a few cookies shaped like animals. Sh e put it all in a paper bag and gave it to Laila. â€Å"Kiss Aziza for me,† she said. â€Å"Tell her she is the noon of my eyes and the sultan of my heart.Will you do that for me? † I can not control my excitement and couldn't help but shed tears. This great Mariam, although she was so limited in education, her fate has been so bumpy. But she still pay her own life in exchange for the freedom of Laila . And finally, as she died lonely, was killed by Taliban with stones. Her fate was unfortunate. Her fate was always driven. Even if Her one day have mastered fate, ending is ironic. She is not demanding from fate what, a little happy, it will make them happy. ‘Mariam wished for so much in those final moments.Yet as she closed her eyes, it was not regret any longer but a sensation of abundant peace that washed over her. She thought of her entry into this world, the harami child of a lowly villager, an unintended thing, a pitiable, regrettable accident. A weed. And ye t she was leaving the world as a woman who had loved and been loved back. She was leaving it as a friend, a companion, a guardian. A mother. A person of consequence at last. No. It was not so bad, Mariam thought, that she should die this way. Not so bad. This was legitimate end to a life of illegitimate beginnings. This paragraph for Mariam after her and Laila killed Rasheed, at the end of the execution ground inner monologue. ) Fate did not forgive her, but she eventually forgave fate. She was patience, she is great. Than Mariam, I personally think that Laila is much more fortunate. She was born in a wealthy family, has a good education. But war deprived this beauty girl of happy life. She was forced to separate from her lover- Tariq and all her families died because of the war. Due to be alone in the world, she was forced married Rasheed.The girl's life was completely changed because of the war. It is no doubt that she felled from heaven into hell. But luckily the nice girl met be auty minded Mariam. Because Rasheed found that the first child is not his own, also began to maltreat her. All the good luck seemed to give the Laila. After Mariam and Laila’s escape failed, Laila met Tariq again on the streets of Kabul. Finally, Mariam and Laila killed their husband together. Mariam clocked all charges and let Laila peaceful leave with Tariq. Thanks author for Laila does a person know to be grateful. As she walks to her desk at the front of the class, Laila thinks of the naming game they'd played again over dinner the night before. It has become a nightly ritual ever since Laila gave Tariq and the children the news. Back and forth they go, making a case for their own choice. Tariq likes Mohammad. Zalmai, who has recently watched Superman on tape, is puzzled as to why an Afghan boy cannot be named Clark. Aziza is campaigning hard for Aman. Laila likes Omar . But the game involves only male names. Because if it's a girl, Laila has already named her. In the end of this novel, Laila with Tariq together go back to Kabul and set up a locally school. Laila do this in order to repay this piece of land and her Savior Mariam. Finally, I want to talk about on the Mariam and Laila common husband Rasheed. Mariam and Laila live in a patriarchal authoritarian society, where women must obey their fathers, husbands and sons, only a son can give them access to social status. Rasheed for their husbands, the â€Å"me, and do not allow cursing, screaming, begging and howling, only the daily routine of playing and being hit. And that violence is a social and legal recognition. To a certain extent, we should not condemn Rasheed. Although he married to the pretty young girl Laila by telling lies, said Tariq is dead. Has a very oppressive side of his character. He was the victim of the system. He not only represents himself, mapped out a malformation of social moral values. In Afghanistan even more we don't know where in the world, there are many men are affe cted by social oppression and do the same cruel treatment of women and children.This book makes me sigh, how many injustices and tribulations a woman can bear. Originally Jalil like Nana, instead finally came into Nana seduce Jalil; just because have no child, ridiculed in a wife bear husband ridicule, irony and even beatings; to innocent little lives in the stomach, Laila can give up name node, you can discard face, She can give up everything that she can give up. Afghanistan woman in the face of suffering like a snowflake falls in General on other people's Windows, quietly melting, no sound, no moaning, only silent obedience of loneliness and despair.But suffering does not make them progressive annihilation, but shaped their great personality and will. Beset the outbreak of war, disease, families of the lost, which, on their face with a bear patiently the calm, give them the desire to live more strongly. Any suffering won't make them shaken confidence in life, because in their min d, have no â€Å"disappointed†, not â€Å"sad†. Unfortunately for it, they must endure, and it is still affordable. Normally I'm more of an action-adventure type reader when it comes to novels and recreational reading.But I was given the chance to read A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini (author of The Kite Runner), so I decided to try something out of my normal genre. I am so glad I did. This is a stunning and moving novel of life and love in Afghanistan over a 30 year period. And the past Afghanistan in my eyes has been always associated with wars, the Taliban, Bin Laden, displacement, terrorists and Jihad. By the author and his beautiful writing, I saw Afghan are yearning for freedom, hope in the future In our society now, from the films, books or other media, we tend to see are both indifference of humanity in a little bit.And this book tells the inexcusable age, two Afghanistan unlikely friendships between a woman and not destroying love story. Husseini st roke light, sincere, simple, time spans forty or fifty years, depicting two different character actress: Mariam and Laila, struggling their tragic twists and turns of fate, their stories heavy despair and warm bright, behind the sad story of the stubborn looking good and hope not to be destroyed. Through it, we should realize, that human society still need to love and trust. Humanity just like the splendid suns will follow in every corner of the world.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Carolines Real Bread Company SWOT Analysis

Caroline’s Real Bread Company are a small village bakery who produce and sell a variety of niche breads to cater for specific needs. Emphasis is placed on high-quality, fresh organic products. Their products are sold through their website, farmers markets, food festivals and other outlets. They also provide bread for specialist restaurants and cafe’s. This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the current state of the grocery market, and provides recommendations on the possible actions that should be undertaken for Caroline’s Real Bread Company to expend and take advantage of the current state of the industry. Methods of analysis used in this report include PEST analysis which analyses the external factors effecting companies operating within the grocery market, and SWOT analysis which is a method used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a company, and the opportunities and threats that are currently presented to them. This research draws attention to the fact that grocery retailers have changed during the past few years in order to react to customer demand. As a result of technological advantages, the demand for convenience is increasing and all major supermarkets now sell their products online. Further research has shown that the market size for fresh organic bread is increasing, and is forecasted to increase even further in the future. The growth of the market size of their products can be attributed to two things. The increase in health awareness amongst consumers who are slowly becoming more conscious of the foods they eat due to a growth in political campaigns alongside new food labelling laws, and the increase in demand for gluten free bread as a result of a steady increase in the amount of gluten intolerant people in the UK. The store competes in an expanding, competitive niche market. It has steadily grown whilst staying true to the ideologies behind it, resulting in Caroline and her company winning many awards. We recommend that the next step that Caroline’s should take is to expand their production capacity in order to take advantage of their distribution channels already in place. They should also refrain from distributing to large supermarkets who do not share their beliefs in order to keep their unique selling point and maintain their current customer base. Instead, they should aim to increase online orders through increased marketing and promotions. We suggest they should get involved in social media in order to increase awareness of their wide variety of products, and to generate more traffic to their website. Due to their limited budget, Caroline’s Real Bread Company should directly target those with special dietary needs as the niche is expanding and these are the customers most likely to buy their products. This could bring opportunities for them to increase their number of deliveries across the UK. The report also investigates the fact that the research conducted has some limitations. Some of the limitations include the fact that secondary data has been used, and that our recommendations assume that the state of the UK economy will not severely worsen in the near future. 2. Introduction and Aims Caroline’s Real Bread Company is a small bakery in Mid/South Wales since 1992. It has two partners Nigel Devlin and Caroline Frampton. Caroline is the baker and Nigel does the accounts. Their products are sold through farmer’s markets, food festivals, local organic box schemes and other outlets. It also supplies restaurants specialist cafes, outside caterers and one off events. Caroline won the Gold Welsh True Taste Awards in 2005 after expanding her business. They offer over 30 varieties of bread which are wheat-free and yeast free. In recent years they have been trying to expand themselves through technology, through online orders which can be collected from in-store or delivered (Carolinesbreadcompany, 2013). The aims of this report are to outline the Political, Economic, Social and Technological issues that impact the Grocery Market Environment. The Product specific market will be explored through a SWOT analysis. The report will highlight the recommendations to Caroline concerning her company and its current position in the market. 3. The Grocery Market 3. 1 Political The government launched an advertising campaign in early 2013 to promote healthier eating habits in the UK (BBC 2013). The main aim of this campaign is to increase the awareness of â€Å"hidden nasties† such as fat and sugar in popular foods. This campaign is the latest in a long line of government aided movements in order to increase health awareness in the UK, some examples of others being change4life and 5 A Day. This latest movement shows that healthy eating is high on the agenda of the current government. The government are under pressure to introduce new legislation to reduce the salt content in foods. The coalition is currently working with the industry, through the ‘Responsibility Deal’, to improve food content and labelling (Department of Health, 2013); however they are being challenged by labour to scrap this voluntary approach and to introduce tougher regulation and legislation in fighting foods high in fat, salt and sugar. One proposition includes a 30% cap on sugar content in cereals aimed at children. The on-going debates and propositions are increasing public awareness of healthy eating habits which benefit specialist local producers such as Caroline’s Real Bread Company. According to new government rules, the UK’s food industry will be required to include clearer information regarding the ingredients on product packaging from summer 2013 (FSA 2013). The new arrangement is front of pack labelling that combines the food content with the guideline daily amounts, showing consumers the percentage of their daily allowance that they will be consuming with the product. As a result of this, suppliers of foods high in salt, sugar or fat may need to rethink their production process or risk losing customers. This change, combined with the growing healthy eating awareness of the UK will again benefit companies who are producing organic foods with natural ingredients. 3. 2 Economic An increase in interest rates has led to less disposable income which may change their shopping pattern from buying luxury goods to necessities, thus restricting the growth of a company like Caroline’s (Times, 2013) (Keynote, 2012, p. 13). Additionally, a rise in inflation would increase the price of any grocery product, resulting in lack of growth in the overall market (Gurdian, 2012). Adverse weather conditions in Europe had a negative effect on wheat supplies, thus increasing the cost of wheat (Keynote, 2012, p. 11) (Julia Glotz, 2011). Retailers can either let their profits decrease, or raise their prices and risk losing customers, to combat this rise (Keynote, 2012, p. 33). The price of flour has also risen, by ? 75/tonne (Gyton, 2012). In recession, most companies face decreased revenue. As this particular business is more focused on providing good quality products, they charge more than supermarkets would, again resulting in a change in consumer spending habits. It has been noted (Keynote, 2012, p. 16) that people are spending over 30% more on bread but this is solely due to the rising price of bread – consumption is in decline. Corporate taxation has fallen; this provides businesses with a better financial environment in which to expand (PwC, 2011). 3. 3 Social Due to the worsening economy, consumers have increasingly attempted to recreate the restaurant experience in their own homes; thus the sales of speciality breads have increased (Keynote, 2012, p. 10). The market share for specialist breads is currently roughly 30% and it is thought that these breads are acting as replacements for the more expensive premium breads (Keynote, 2012, p. 25). Foreign breads have also increased in popularity, creating a niche (Keynote, 2012, p. 32) which could save craft bakeries that are now at risk due to the growth of the supermarket in-store alternatives (Keynote, 2012, p. 33). White bread sales are beginning to decline as consumers become increasingly health-conscious (Keynote, 2012, p. 32) and switch to brown, wholemeal, and ‘best-of-both’ type breads. These, and foreign breads, are more expensive than conventional loaves leaving retailers with the potential for greater profits. It is expected that part-baked white breads will keep white bread sales from dropping too severely (Keynote, 2012, p. 41). There are three major bakers, Warbutons covers a range of qualities while Associated British Foods and British Bakeries both have a high and a low end bread product (Mother’s Pride, Hovis and Sunblest, Kingsmill respectively). The low end products are targeting people who shop for everyday value. The premium loaves are often purchased by those looking for quality rather than value. Warburtons is the most direct competitor for small village bakeries due to the broadness of budgets it caters for and the range of qualities it produces. Small village bakers tend to hold monopolies as the villages for which they cater are often remote and without other stores. Caroline’s Real Bread Company is located in Merthyr Cynog, a village six miles from the nearest town (Brecon) and stores (Google, 2013). It is over four miles from the village to the nearest bus stop from which there is a mere thrice-daily service (Sirgarfyrddin. gov. uk, 2013), so the village is isolated and the baker has a monopoly. 3. 4 Technological Businesses use ecommerce and social media such as Facebook and Twitter to reach a wider audience. This can be used for advertising and to collect feedback from the customer, for example: Tesco has made a Facebook page where they get connected with bigger audience where they post offers of their products and gain feedback from consumers. They are targeting a wider audience, separating themselves from the norms of company (Tesco, 2013). Development in technology also means the reduction in first hand skills. Skilled workers have been replaced by technology, improving efficiency and productivity. In 2011, British Food Plc was investing millions in upgrading its baking business by installing new equipments. Thus modernising its production pattern, improving efficiency and reducing production costs (Keynote, 2012). Premier Foods has increased automation and thus laid off workers to cut costs (Edwards, 2013) after their profits fell by 48% in 2012 (Edwards, 2013). Hovis used to have the concept of using only British wheat as their unique selling point, due to a plummet in profits they have had to abandon this and redesign their packaging, to survive (Edwards, 2013) showing how challenging the bakery sector is today. 4. Description of Product Specific Market The main competitors for Caroline’s Bread Company are supermarkets, bakeries and in-store bakeries. Bread retailers have faced increasing competition over the past few years due to new entrants in the market who believe they can make a profit. The main competitors are supermarkets and convenience stores who now have in-store bakeries making them a one-stop-shop. They can further their influence by having freshly baked products in their petrol stations, increasing convenience. Supermarkets will invest in their bakeries to provide a quick, easy and fitting shopping experience (SmartCompany, 2012) as a result revenue should rise. The increasing price of wheat and fluctuations in household income due to the economic crisis has caused demand and preferences to change, leading to consumers becoming more aware of the products they buy. The main consumers targeted are a small but expanding segment of the niche market. To combat the growth of competition, more innovative loaves and marketing campaigns are needed to increase brand awareness. Caroline offers courses that cement her brand ethic of fresh organic produce making consumers aware of the health benefits associated with eating wholegrain, rye and gluten free breads. Consumers who prefer quality produce, and are concerned with chemical additives, will benefit from Caroline’s speciality breads. By carefully geographically selecting her location and creating her brand to suit this, Caroline is maximising her brand exposure to the local market encouraging a loyal customer base. The main trend in the market that Caroline specialises in is the emphasis of healthy living. This enhances her opportunity to break into the catering market and supply her products to people for special occasions offered on her website. By displaying her products without packaging she adheres to the attractive product presentation that many customers desire with their organic purchases (SmartCompany, 2012). Consumers would find this appealing as there would be enough different varieties to appeal to various customers, which expands her segmentation and increases her client base. 4. 1 Strengths As a dietary staple and a cemented establishment, bread is a necessity. Caroline’s business is versatile and consumer-centric. Her company suffered losses due to under developed management skills (Guardian, 2006) but the company soon recovered and studied business management elements to become a recognised bread company. Caroline’s company has taken product innovation and expanded this to their benefit. To avoid high salt levels she ensures only organic ingredients are used, keeping salt to a minimum (Caroline’s real bread company, 2013) as 80% of UK bread is processed (LoveFood. com, 2013). Alongside organic, the company specialises in making rye and soda breads as well as gluten free and yeast free products in order to cater to precise dietary needs. These can be delivered freshly door to door via the delivery service. The company also supplies local restaurants and caterers with various breads (Caroline’s real bread company,2013). This efficiency, versatility and product care linked with their customers specific detailing alongside their expanding availability of products enlarges their segment of the bread market from local people to people that may live further away as well as those that may not have considered the purchase of organic foods before but would now as they can buy into the ideals behind organic foods. 4. 2 Weaknesses With the bread market being dominated by branded products such as ‘Hovis’ and ‘Kingsmill’, it is difficult for a business so small to penetrate this market. Many consumers are unwilling to pay extra for organic bread. Competition between craft bakeries, such as Caroline’s, and supermarkets is fierce and harsh to penetrate due to the brand association and prices (Keynote, 2012). Due to the entrenched ideological beliefs that are indoctrinated into Caroline’s real bread company, the company is restricted to a small segment of the bread market. Caroline’s is restricted to those who believe in the organic wellbeing and are willing to pay extra for it. The company produces their bread so that it can be frozen for individuals who purchase in bulk (Caroline’s real bread company, 2013) to avoid waste, however this was not their intention for the businesses they were supplying. Nigel reports â€Å"we started supplying a local specialist food shop; selling the bread at just over cost price it later turned out that the shop was freezing the bread, undermining the whole premise of the bread company† (Guardian, 2006) in turn losing a customer and revenue as an effect. Due to their target market being so limited, their market segmentation is smaller than other brands that produce and promote to all customer types. A downside to bread is the shelf life is short for mass produced bread, and even shorter for freshly baked bread, resulting in 1 million loaves of bread being thrown away (Keynote, 2012). This becomes a further disadvantage for a small business such as Caroline’s real bread company. 4. 3 Opportunities There has been an increasing demand for healthier bread and bakery products in the UK economy due to healthy living becoming a more significant factor in people’s everyday lives. Larger bread companies will already be aware of this and will have targeted products towards this; however Caroline’s company is unique in that all products are completely healthy and have already targeted their products. This company has exclusive principles unlike larger suppliers (eg Hovis) who use bulking agents to increase the shelf life of their products, and are completely against using anything that isn’t natural or fresh. On their website it says ‘our business ­ is about producing products that meet the needs of those small but growing numbers of customers who demand only the finest quality food’ (carolinesrealbreadcompany. co. uk) which shows that the quality of their products is more important than quantity. This is a perfect opportunity for Caroline’s bread company to expand and grow due to the higher demand in the products that they already offer. As there is already an increasing demand for healthier bread products, there are also an increasing number of consumers who are adopting a gluten-free diet which is pushing up the demand for these products. Caroline’s offers over 30 different varieties of bread and already offer wheat-free bread so this is another opportunity for them to break into a new market and expand their customer base. They already offer gluten free and yeast free products so it wouldn’t cost them anything more to produce these products, it would just benefit their company due to a higher demand. 4. 4 Threats The increasing niche for freshly baked produce has created further competition by supermarkets against craft bakeries matching quality for less. Consumer perceptions are stimulated through the sensory system of smell. This could result in a change of brand loyalty once people realise that freshly made products could be purchased in similar quantities for less money. Although the ‘Real Bread Campaign’ has disclosed that only Marks and Spencer out of all big supermarkets actually make their bread from scratch and even then not all of it is freshly made from scratch. These companies use the sensory perception to lure in customers from independent bakeries (LoveFood. com, 2013). According to ‘Keynote’, craft businesses are dying out in favour of in-store bakeries (Keynote, 2012) due to their parallel innovation of fresh products. Part-baked and specialised breads, e. g. half and half, dietary, brown, are now being produced by Tesco (Tesco, 2013) and other supermarkets. ‘Food prices are expected to rise after the second wettest summer on record’ (Guardian) which has resulted in a poor harvest leading to an increasing price of grain hence an increase in food prices. The National Farmers Union (NFU) reported that wheat yields in England are down by almost 15% which has added to already been rising prices caused by a heat wave in Russia that destroyed a large majority of their crops. Richard Dodd of the British Retail Consortium said: â€Å"The most recent figures are that wheat prices are up 29% compared with a year ago† (Guardian 2012). This is a major threat towards Caroline as this rise could result in a fall in profits as it would cost more for them to purchase their supplies. As a small company there will be more of an impact than larger bread companies. However, even ‘Hovis’ (premier foods) are struggling to sell their breads and they are known as the best-selling bread brand (the mirror 2012). They ‘struggled with soaring costs and cut-throat competition’ resulting in them losing its co-op contract to their rival company allied bakeries. 5. Recommendations and Conclusion Our recommendations for ‘Caroline’s Real Bread Company’ are that they should continue to distribute to the grocery market but not to large supermarkets as they do not share her ideological beliefs. As they have enough vans to distribute the products, we recommend that they should expand their production space so they are able to produce more products and try to distribute to places further across the country to establish their brand and attract more customers. In terms of their products there is an increasing demand for speciality breads which supermarkets do not sell many varieties of, so Caroline should see this as a product innovation and her bakery should focus on expanding into this market more. People are now more conscious of healthy lifestyles so we recommend that they should continue to focus on organic, dietary, gluten-free and wheat-free breads to continue to appeal to this expanding niche market. The target consumers for Caroline’s Real Bread Company should continue to be those who favour organic products over products that are not. Her beliefs on organic foods are the foundation of her business ideology and therefore this is unlikely to change. By targeting more directly those with dietary needs, such as gluten and wheat free products as these consumers already pay higher prices in supermarkets than other customers, therefore they may wish to look into Caroline’s company if she promotes these product more vigorously. Promotion can also be carried out by encouraging brand switching, existing consumers to purchase more, raising awareness of the brand and attracting new customers to her brand by trialling new products. This can be carried out by implementing multi-buys and incentives for example free vouchers and gifts. These can be promoted via online social media networks, for example Facebook, Twitter and other forms they will be able to make consumers aware of their brand and ideologies so that they can expand their customer base further. By doing this it can bring opportunities for the company to expand their delivery services to larger regions of the UK. 6. Limitations The majority of the data used was online secondary data. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of information obtained. The report evaluates long term performance; looking so far ahead, economic conditions could change affecting the PEST analysis. For instance, our economic condition could for now be described as recovering from a double-dip recession, so in the near future the economy might be at a better or worst stage of recovery and this would affect the company’s target market. The bread market is constantly evolving and is susceptible to massive changes as a result of crop failures, adverse weather conditions, or the general economic climate. While it was argued that people who no longer go to restaurants due to the cost may now be buying more specialist and foreign breads to compromise, it must be noted that the breads in the restaurant were purchased from somewhere, perhaps even from the same wholesale baker, so this may not affect overall bread sales. What is also worth noting is that Caroline’s Real Bread Company operates within a small isolated community and has a monopoly in the grocery market for that village. This means it most likely has a steady flow of repeat customers, though the company also provides a delivery service and supplies commercial clients. Therefore expansion in their wholesale/commercial supply operations might be more beneficial than the suggested expansion in consumer retail operations due to the limited customer base. Another issue is the approach of the company – Caroline’s Real Bread Company pride themselves on being independent and local, if the desired method of expansion was in any way to threaten these attributes then the expansion would be to the detriment of the company. What must also be noted along these lines is that the bread is currently handmade; the company should consider the ultimate savings of automation against the attraction of handmade bread. The former might lose former clients who chose the brand for their traditional bread, yet it might gain customers looking for more inexpensive bread by a local company.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Long-Term Orientation in Chinese Business Markets Literature review

Long-Term Orientation in Chinese Business Markets - Literature review Example According to the authors, guanxi behaviour consists of three elements: affect (emotions), reciprocal favour, face preserving. In Chinese culture, trust is an outcome of guanxi behaviour. The authors emphasise that in China, affection and business go together unlike the UK or USA. Affect denotes human feelings or emotional commitments that are central to intimate social bonding in several kinds of relationships such as between teachers and students, parents and children, or between close friends. In Chinese culture, the reciprocal favour stems from certain social behaviour evoking emotional responses and feeling by one of the group member to another. As such, reciprocity is a universal behaviour that can be traced even to animal kingdom. Similarly, the importance of face preserving for any Chinese in personal and professional life is tremendous. Face preserving behaviour plays a crucial role in constructing interpersonal relationships. It is important to note that in the Chinese cultu re, any disloyal person in the group is a faceless person. Society associates a great value when members of the group go to any extent to honour their obligations. Thus, it can be said that guanxi is a fulcrum of most activities in China that fall into the purview of political, economic and social order. However, to gain more clarity, researchers interviewed over a dozen sales managers in China and Hong Kong to find out how they view guanxi in the business world. ... As replied by the sales managers, guanxi is the first step of a salesperson to establish his or her intention to do the business; however, guanxi behaviour takes considerable time to develop to the point where unfamiliarity with the buyer ceases to exist. According to the sales managers interviewed, most Chinese firms respect guanxi style of relationships while doing any business transactions. That means the higher the salesperson interacts with a buyer, the greater the trust the buyer reposes in the salesperson. Surprisingly, business transactions are done on the basis of trust at personal level rather than at the organisational level. That is why many transactions with overseas firms are done on the basis of personal contacts. People are more loyal to their superiors rather than their organisation. A buying firm's trust on the salesperson is due to his or her expertise on the subject and ability to deliver. Similarly, the higher the status or position of the salesperson, the higher the trust the buying firm will repose on the selling firm. This is so because higher status of the salesperson signifies greater control on the firm's resources to fulfil agreed obligations. The researchers formulated various hypotheses to understand how a buying firm develops trust on the seller firm including the factors such as salesperson expertise and his or her status responsible for generating this trust. In the process to measure all the three elements of guanxi as mentioned above, the authors served the questionnaire to 250 respondents; however, only 51.2% respondents returned the questionnaire. Those who responded were in their current positions for last 4 years and in relationship with

Open Door Policy US & China, Roosevelt Era Research Paper

Open Door Policy US & China, Roosevelt Era - Research Paper Example To add to this, after the Russians were replaced by the Japanese at the end of the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, the United States heavily demanded the concordance to the principles of the Open Door Policy upon Manchuria (Sugita, 3-20). The Open Door Policy had gone through a plentiful that explains many about the imposition of the American policy of free trade and open market towards the strong economies in Asia. However, this also reveals some problems that the policy’s principles and ideological stand had encountered during its time in China. Hence, this paper will argue that the Open Door Policy during Theodore Roosevelt’s regime had encountered conflicting disputes upon its implementation in China. It will first explain a brief background to the Open Door Policy’s birth. It will then narrate the developments that led to the fortification of the Open Door Policy before and during Roosevelt’s era. In relation to this, it will discuss the problems that the policy had encountered during its imposition upon the Chinese economy. ... Their conquest of the Western Frontier urged them to expand their power towards the Eastern Frontier. The United States based their eastern expansion in the desire to bring education and religion to the greater Pacific. More importantly, the purpose of commerce was the primary mover of the expansionist theory. With trade in the minds of these expansionists, the Americans saw China as its potential â€Å"partner† in the Eastern Frontier (Israel, 7-9). James W. Bashford, a Chinese historian, stated that, â€Å"the Chinese themselves, in breaking away from an ancient civilization can readily be led to accept a western, Christian, Protestant civilization.† (Israel, 9). At this stage in history, the Americans saw the potential contained within the huge realm of the Chinese. It can be implied that the superior nature of the United States government had already recognized the advanced Chinese civilization. Hence, the justification for an expansion in the Eastern Frontier can b e seen through the nation’s decisions. In this way, the Open Door Policy was a concrete manifestation of what the American wanted for their eastern conquest. An important catalyst to the implementation of the Open Door Policy in China can also be evidenced in one of the United States’ most useful expansionist doctrines at that time – the theory of Mahanism. Mahanism, formulated by Alfred Mahan, decreed that the might of a nation can be seen through its power in naval forces. With relations to the eastern expansionist desires of the United States, its government was aimed at the procedure of a gunboat diplomacy where China would be submitted under the might of America’s sea power (Israel,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cementing Intercultural Communication Gaps For Smoother Roads to Research Paper

Cementing Intercultural Communication Gaps For Smoother Roads to Harmony - Research Paper Example Human beings communicate their thoughts and feelings to one another in verbal and non-verbal ways. Verbal communication, or speaking out to another person is often accompanied by non-verbal language which includes facial expressions, gestures, posture, body language and tone of voice. Sometimes, such non-verbal expressions say more than the verbalizations of a person. The way one communicates and receives information matters much in the quality of relationships he or she has with others. Effective communication takes practice and hard work especially for those who are not skilled in interpersonal relations. Several factors need to be considered when communicating: age, gender, relationship to the person, nature of the communication exchange, temperament and personality and even culture. The adage â€Å"Actions speak louder than words† rings true in a variety of situations. In the workplace, people manifest explicit verbal communication and implicit, non-verbal communication (L ee, 2008). Explicit verbal communication takes the form of direct reprimands or written memos to delinquent workers. Implicit, non-verbal communication is more action-oriented. An example is a boss deliberately showing a delinquent worker that he is taking over the tasks formerly assigned to the worker. The boss may not say anything, but the message comes across very clear to the worker that his inefficiency is noted by the boss. In times of conflict, the impact of implicit, nonverbal communication and explicit, verbal communication (that is, the written norm) is never equal. The more visible and stark the image, the more effective the message is delivered and received. Verbal and nonverbal interactions play a part in the effective exchange of ideas. LeFebvre (2008) advises that when speaking, one must also be aware of body language and tone and inflection of voice. She notes that different ideas may be conveyed by simply emphasizing or speaking louder the different parts of the sta tement. Being an active listener helps one understand the message being relayed to him. As the listener, one should hold his response until the speaker is done, and keenly observe nonverbal cues expressed. It must always be remembered that communication is a give and take process. One must learn to wait his turn to be the speaker and the listener. The Role of Culture in Communication Hofstede (1994), a well-known scholar of culture and its effect on people, defined culture as â€Å"the collective programming of the mind which distinguished the members of one human group from another†¦ Culture, in this sense, includes systems of values; and values are among the building blocks of culture† (Hofstede, 1994, p.54 ). This definition shows how much culture has an influence on people, often dictating how they would relate and communicate to others. Consideration of others’ cultural background entails adjustments to accommodate the needs of others and the exertion of effo rt to understand what they want to communicate. On the contrary, disregarding the other’s culture and instead, promoting one’s own, whether it agrees with the other or not can be a source of major conflicts. Even within a specific country, there exist sub-cultures. An example is the Asian culture. Some values are associated as â€Å"typically Asian†, such as honor and integrity. Within Asian countries, some communicative interpretations differ. To illustrate, in one country, being able to look straight into the eye of another person when speaking, means that the person is sincere while in another country it denotes defiance

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing Plan 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing Plan 2 - Essay Example The product that Delicious Food Restaurant will be bringing to the Chinese market would be unique and specific to the Chinese market. The product would include a variety of supplies in the main category of the fast foods. Some of the introductory products could include Chinese Fish Flavor and the Chinese Chicken Flavor. The flavors that the company would adopt include delicious indigenous flavors. The term indigenous would fit perfectly in the trademark description since the products would involve the most important food products to the Chinese culture, which include chicken and fish. The color of the products would vary with the product type. However, most of the flavors would have a golden brown color. In the same way, the shape would vary. For instance, the foods with fish flavors would be prepared with a fish shape so that it would be easier to identify them. Additionally, chicken flavors may be prepared having a shape of a chicken’s wing. Packaging would only be done on a customer’s request. The packaging would include degradable material such as paper packages that have specific identification to the company as the main labeling along with some information concerning other available products. Chinese population has been in a constant rise where the country has above 1 billion people. This population is very promising for the company since the large the population the higher the probability of acquiring a large market once operations commence. Consumer preference shift from the traditional foods is causing an expansion in the fast food market each day. In fact, China is one of the biggest fast food markets globally implying that it presents endless opportunities for the companies venturing into the market. The Chinese fast food market increased in revenues by approximately 13% annually reaching an approximated $94 billion by

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Compliance gaining strategies & reconciliation in romantic Research Paper

Compliance gaining strategies & reconciliation in romantic relationships - Research Paper Example Any person physically assaulted by the partner in the relationship should report it and proper actions should be taken against the perpetrators. The situation at hand is that of a particular couple with constant problems; the male partner results in physically assaulting his girlfriend claiming that she is disrespectful. The man has a very low opinion of the girlfriend; he even cannot consider dialogue as a means of solving their problems. He considers her to be subordinate and, thus, she should comply with whatever he says. On the other hand, the lady feels humiliated, worthless, disrespected and despised (Rill, et al, 2009). So the woman succumbs to this and decides to do all the man desires in order to avoid conflict and future assaults. In this case the woman has resigned and her self-esteem has been drawn from her. This condition is called a double-bind where one is bound to do all that the other person desires. Given the scenario above, the man wants to be seen as the total source of authority, he wants to feel respected and powerful. This might have emulated from the society’s view of both genders; for instance, in many societies men are viewed to be the decision makers while women are expected to be listeners (Knee, Patrick & Lonsbary, 2003). The girlfriend, on the other hand, does not want the relationship to end and can do anything in order to ensure it works out. Because she loves the man so much, they have been through a lot together and above all they have a child together, hence, she cannot imagine getting separated with him. To Rill et al (2009), cooperation is a strategy that is employed by the girlfriend in order to gain the confidence of her partner. In this case, the girl will try as much as she can to cooperate with her boyfriend and carry out his demands as he expects. This is because she thinks everything is going to run smoothly due to the cooperation with her boyfriend, and all causes of conflict will be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Changing urban conditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Changing urban conditions - Essay Example There are many forms of crimes, but before going deep into the type of crimes, the definition must be known as it will serve as the basic understanding of that concept. Basically, crime is associated with the term illegal which means contrary to the law. It does not adhere to the rules as the rules known as laws are set by a nation to protect its citizens and properties. Once violated, the people who committed the crime are punished (Bailey, 2010, p. 4). The existence of laws and crimes occurs together as laws are present to antagonize the crimes and crimes happen whether intentional or not to go against the laws. Crime can also be defined in a more formal way as it is considered as a legal concept. A crime is any punishable act that the society considers as detrimental to its interest. The punishments do not only protect people but also groups and institutions. The acts covered by the concept of crime ranges from traffic violation to homicide, and the violators of the law receive the penalty to protect the society and correct the offenders at the same time (Cassel and Bernstein, 2007, p. 2). Punishments have been used as a form of discipline to get the desired actions for the individuals in the society. Discipline may not seem to be easy to impose on other people as it involves both pleasant and unpleasant to make the people obedient to the laws and authority (Lipsky, 1977, p. 249). The discipline imposed on the offenders is negative or unpleasant as they are secluded from most people and receive different treatment. Some even receive corporal punishment for their crimes committed. Corporal punishment is said to be gruesome as physical pain is applied to the violators or prisoners which can be in the form of electrocuting, whipping and handcuffs. Some states in America forbid the use of such punishments (Palmer, 2010, p. 40). There are many forms of crimes, but the three broad categories are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

HPV Infection Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

HPV Infection - Term Paper Example Nearly every case of cervical cancer are caused by HPV, and all cases of genital warts and RRP are caused by HPV. The genital warts appear as small bumps or a group of bumps in the genital area, which may be small or large, raised or flat, or shaped like a cauliflower. These warts may appear within weeks of months after sexual contact with a partner who is infected, even if that partner has no outward signs of the disease. These warts may go away on their own, may remain unchanged, or may multiply or grow larger. The types of HPV that causes the warts are not the same strain that causes the cancers. Cervical cancer is symptomless until it is advanced, so women are encouraged to seek regular screening for cervical cancer. The RRP is a disease where the warts grow in the throat, which can block the airways and cause a hoarse voice or breathing troubles (Steben and Duarte-Franco, 2007). It is considered to be a disease because the mechanisms of the HPV virus change healthy cell tissue i nto tissue that is infected with lesions. Moreover, HPV is considered to be a disease because it causes other, more serious diseases, especially cervical cancer, as well as cancer that resides in other parts of the body, including the mouth and the throat. ... of the woman, although it can also result in infections in the man, the system that will be examined for the purposes of this essay is the female genitalia. Below is a diagram of a normal female genitalia: The function of the external female reproductive structure is to enable the sperm to enter the body and to protect the internal genital organs from infectious organisms. The labia majora, which is literally â€Å"large lips,† is what encloses the protects the external reproductive organs. These are large, fleshy lips, and is the equivalent to the male scrotum. These lips contain sweat and oil-secreting glands. There are also labia minora, which are small lips. These are small lips which may be up to 2† wide. They are just outside the labia minora, and they surround the opening to the vagina and uretha. Bartholin’s glands are another part of the external genitalia, and the Bartholin’s glands are located beside the vaginal opening and produces a fluid secre tion. The clitoris is where the two labia minora meet, and this is a small and sensitive protrusion that is comparable to a male penis. It is covered by a fold of skin, and similar to the foreskin at the end of the penis. It is very sensitive to stimulation and may become erect. The vagina is also a part of the female genitalia. It is a canal that joins the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus, to the outside of the body. This is known as the birth canal. HPV may also affect internal reproductive organs, so there will be some discussion of this as well. In this case, there is a uterus, which is a womb. It is hollow, pear-shaped and is the home for a fetus that is developing. It is divided into the cervix, which is the lower part that goes into the vagina, and the corpus, which is the main body of the

E-Business and Intellectual Property Essay Example for Free

E-Business and Intellectual Property Essay In today’s internet based society, deciding to start your own business requires much more than identifying a product you wish to produce or sell. Even when you have selected physical location to setup as your business, your job is not done. For a company to be successful it must be able to reach as many potential customers as possible. The internet is the perfect resource to promote your company and the products you wish to sell. Selecting a name for your business may not always be as easy as it seems. Trademarks and Trade Names play a big part in making your company and its product know to endless number of potential customers. LEGAL ISSUE Logos and trade names are methods of intellectual property used for actual physical businesses, and their use in the computer-generated e-business realm is normally administered by the similar principles and regulations as their use in modern industry (Burke 2002). If your products available to the public at an international level which is often the case when you market thru the internet, there is possibility that by marketing merchandise or proposing your amenities to patrons outside of your home nation your brands might encroach upon brands and service marks used by a homegrown rival in overseas countries. You could discover yourself confronting a litigation in an overseas dominion. If you need to thwart your challengers from using a alike realm name to that of your online company, choose one that is not a typical or graphic word for your merchandises or industry. MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE Record all obtainable similarities of that primary realm designation in order to thwart others from cataloging alike domain names, particularly if you  have chosen a general or graphic term for your domain name. Submit requests to catalogue your important logos in those nations from which you anticipate to lure fresh clients for your industry (Burke 2002). If you have previously registers your physical location trademark in the primary country you do business in, you may not be obligated to chronicle a domain name that is created on an previously listed logo or service mark. Reference Burke, M. C. (January 2002). Intellectual Property in the World of E-Business. Retrieved from

Monday, July 22, 2019

How does Byron present the lovers Essay Example for Free

How does Byron present the lovers Essay Byron feels very strongly about love, believing it to be a very good thing, especially when found in the young. Thus he presents the two lovers as sweet and beautiful. A third adjective, innocent could be added to the list and in Juans case certainly should be-however, throughout the passage we find hints that it does not apply to Julia. In stanza 106 Byron says that her creed in her own innocence was immense. So she believes forcefully that what she is doing is innocent and not wrong, and yet she knows it is: . she inly swore. she never would disgrace this ring she wore. However, Byron does not damn her for thinking of Don Alfonsos fifty years, instead he justifies this behaviour in the hole of stanza 108. This is most probably because of Byrons own feelings on the matter of love he would not have backed away from extra-marital or adulterous love, believing infidelity to be a social normality. He believed that no shackles should be placed on love; it should be natural, and indeed this is how, to some extent, he does portray the love which blossoms here, though not as much as Juans later relationship with Haidei , unconsciously she leaned upon [Juan] So, Byron shows us that Julia is aware of the wrongness of her impending deed, but he does not condemn her. Indeed it could be argued that Byron presents her infidelity as sweet and innocent in itself. The evidence for this can be found in the rhyming couplet at the end of stanza 105. One hand on Juans was carelessly thrown, Quite by mistake she thought it was her own. Clearly Julia knows the hand is Juans, but the lines are very tongue-in-cheek, and seem to be actually poking fun, very gently, at Julias pathetic attempts to make it seem as if she isnt doing what she is. Byron is amused at her mock innocence and this in turn leads us to see her actions as less brazen and more innocent than they might seem. The fact remains though, that Julia is not innocent of adultery and this is conclusively shown in the lines, Yet still she must have thought there was no harm, / Or else twere easy to withdraw her waist. So she is portrayed, seemingly paradoxically as a sweet and innocent, but knowing, adulterer. Don Juan, on the other hand, being only a young boy of sixteen is portrayed as completely nai ve and innocent. His young lip thanked it with a grateful kiss And then abashed at its own joy, withdrew In deep despair, lest he had done amiss. The reader knows that he is completely nai ve, having previously read of his breeding, which was strictly moral. So it comes as no surprise then that in this, his first romantic encounter, he should be ignorant of what to do and that Byron should portray him as he does. In conclusion then, the lovers are portrayed in some ways similarly but very differently in other respects. Byron reflects his attitude to love in portraying Juan and Julia as helpless in the face of their over-riding emotions he describes love as strengthening the weak and trampling the strong. This conclusion will suffice in the case of Juan but Julia is helpless in a different way. She is more worldly wise than Juan, having been married, and thus, almost certainly, sexual intercourse. She is portrayed as one caught in the middle of two pulling forces her own honour, virtue, truth and love for Don Alfonso, and her love for Juan. She knows that to display this love physically would be wrong, but she does it anyway And whispering, I will neer consent consented. Byron, however, does not condemn her for her actions, because of his belief in the power of love, and he portrays her still as a virtuous and sweet young woman, despite her immoral conduct. A little still she strove and much repented, at the end of the passage shows she is still a woman of integrity, rather than one of loose morals. This is how Byron portrays the individual lovers. Together, they are depicted as a beautiful couple how beautiful she looked, full of the initial exuberance of first love. Byron emphasizes the purity and goodness of their love over its illegitimacy in the eyes of the world and society, justifying it as much by describing its beauty as by showing why Julias marriage with Alfonso is not pure and good in stanza 108. In this respect Byrons portrayal of the lovers in this passage is a continuation of the general theme of the hypocrisy of society in Don Juan. Ironically, Byron shows us, Julias legitimate marriage is un-natural and not really that good, whereas her illegal relationship with Juan is described with beautiful poetry, and is clearly more natural and proper than that of the former.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Iran: Healthcare, Education and Culture

Iran: Healthcare, Education and Culture Comparative and international Family Research demonstration project Cultural issues related to families are quite dissimilar in various countries. United States and Islamic republic of Iran exhibit great cultural diversity. Iran in known is known in United States for its for its vast supply of oil. It is a fact beyond obvious perception that Iranian and American Culture are witnessed to be in the midst of a â€Å"culture clash† with perceived difference in values; this has lead to great confrontations and tension. â€Å"Irans glory has always been its culture† (Frye, 2005), Is a quote that portrays the inherent relationship between people and their culture, this as had a immense effect in family setup. The family within the Iranian culture is a very autonomous aspect of their culture, heavily based on male dominance contrary with the Americans were women can live autonomously without a mans authority. Irrespective of this, Iranians as well as Americans equally treasure their exclusive and intricate cultural identity, whether its the Ira nians intrinsic values of Islamic religion, gender roles and family importance or Americas unique marriage taboos depicts the importance of culture alike (COMM 325 Iran, 2007). From both perspectives, we must examine the impact of religion, education, housing and geographical location among others to understand their family structure and cultural issues. Housing and Geographical location Iran is a country in south-west Asia. It is located at the southern shores of Caspian Sea, bordering the republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkmenistan to the north, Turkey, Iraq, Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman to the west, and to the east is Pakistan and Afghanistan (Tavassoli, 2002). Its the 18th largest country in the world with an area of 1,648,195km2 having an estimate population of 74 million people. Its a country with diverse landscapes varying from flat lands to deserts and from mountains to plateaus. It holds two mountain chains, the Alborz Mountains to the northand the Zagross to the south-west. This makes Irans land of true beauty and magnificence (Tavassoli, 2002). It further has a massive volcanic peak called Damavand located along the Alborz mountain ranges (Neff, 2006). In additions, its a home to two impassible barrier deserts called ‘Daht e Kavir and ‘Dasht e Lut. With this king of environment, the spatial characteristic o f traditional Iranian houses reflects natural, geographical and cultural needs. One important aspect is adaptation to the harsh climate most notable on the central parts of the country. Houses are constructed of Adobe and brick with unique fabled artistic and deep heritage architecture while in the United States; houses are made of stones and blocks (Harvey, 2005). Education Iranian education system is divided into five cycles namely, pre-school, primary, middle or guidance, secondary and post-secondary education. Elementary education is mandatory under the countrys constitution but due to high number of applicants for post-secondary educations, admission to these institutions is based on a nation-wide examination, giving a opportunity only to the most talented and bright students. All these levels of study enjoy free education, private schools and universities too do exist but allowed by law to charge tuition fees. Demand for post secondary education far much exceeds supply with only 27% of all applicants being admitted. (MCHE, 2009), approximately 50% of the Irans population is under the age of 25; hence quite difficult for the government to provide proper education for all (MCHE, 2009). Students at the two phases of primary and middle/guidance education are required to do a national and regional exam as compulsory for continuation. This does not apply in the United States. The literacy rates stand at 76.9% (UNESCO, 2009). Religions Islam is the religion of up to 98% of Iranians with approximately 90% being the Shia and 8% being Sunni. Other minorities make up 2% of the remaining non- Muslims. In Iran, divine law in the unique source of legitimacy and the unique interpreter of divine law is the spiritual leader. Any interpretations by the spiritual leader are not questionable. Furthermore, religion played a key role in the lifestyle of Iranians. Frey (2004) states that, issues such as polygamy were highly regulated by the Islam custom, where the religion permitted a man to have as many wives as possible. The religious law too supports the sanctifying of the family in diverse ways, defining conditions for divorce, inheritance and guardianship. These have had an impact in the entire family structure and ways of living. Issues of religious freedom are yet to be achieved with non-Muslims being discriminated and harassed. Conversion too from Islam is punishable to death. This is quite contrary to the United States we re there is freedom of worship and change of religion. Atheists have their own rights too, and peoples lifestyle seems not to be influence much by religion (Frey, 2004). Socio-cultural beliefs and values Before revolution, the Iranian society practiced segregation of sexes. Men dominated the family and subjected women to hardship in the name of culture. Mostafavi, Mehryar and Agha (2006), argued that â€Å"mens beliefs family planning is the responsibility of women has reduced their likelihood of their participation in family planning activities† (Mostafavi, Mehryar Agha, 2006, p.78). This means that men could not be keen at all on such issues of family planning at the expense of their wives. This is quite similar with the American culture in the fifties where, women where being taught to be housewives failure to which they were being despised.FRD (2004) further re-affirmed that, â€Å"Women generally practiced use of chador (or veil) when in public or when males not related to them were in the house. In traditional view, an ideal society was one in which women were confined to the home, where they performed the various domestic tasks associated with managing a household and rearing children. Men worked in public sphere, that is, in the fields, factories, bazaars and offices. Deviation from this ideal, especially in the case of women, tended to reflect adversely upon the reputation of the family† (p.147) An individual with no family ties has little importance and status in the larger society. Only if a person does something disgusting to Islam can such ties be detached. Even though the culture is strict in the roles of women, westernization has eroded some of these old values. Among these ideas are; women being involved in the public world such as education and labor force (FRD, 2004). In addition, the word ‘household had a quite different connotation than it is for the American culture. While for the Americans it refers to the actual structure were the family unit resides, the Iranian culture describes it has the cooperation and relationship between man and the woman (COMM 325, 2007). The family is quite autonomous heavily based on male supremacy. Even if the oldest member is the grandfather, father or son, they have the right to be in charge of the household. Polygamy is also practiced highly and enshrined in the Islamic law. This too is quite different with the United States where polygamy is hardly practiced. Another complex cultural practiced which is highly termed as a taboo in the United States is marriages within the family context and the process of choosing marriage partner. Reliance on family members to choose a spouse for one of their own for marriage is still quite prevalent in Iran (COMM 325, 2007). Marrying a close relative is termed incest in the United States and is heavily prohibited. As much these two cultures are geographically far away, and with such sharp difference in culture, they too have some relationship in common, just like Iranians, Americans still value the importance of the family set up. This is much portrayed by the politicians where they are highly influenced by the wider family in their quest for political ambitions in the United States. The perception of women in both cultures is still eminent. Although w omen enjoy freedom and little influence from men, there still exist notable hierarchal differences with male dominance on the top in almost all aspect. For example, men generally are still paid more and reside in plush places than women (COMM 325, 2007). Sociopolitical systems and structures The political system in Iran is quite peculiar; this is much attributed by the fact that the state is an institution of divine will, where the divine law is the unique source of legitimacy and political authority. The depository and unique interpreter of divine law is the spiritual leader whose religious jurisprudence is given to be in charge of all aspects of political society. The spiritual leader exercises his control over the judiciary, the army, the police, the radio and also over the president and parliament; institutions elected by the people (Fidh, 2003). This clearly depicts the Islamic ideology in the political framework of Iran, hence a theocratic republic. This is quite different from the American system were the religion is autonomous and has no direct link with the federal political system of governance (Iran Year Book, 1996). Iran has three branches of government with the executive being headed by the supreme leader as the head of s tat e and present as t he head of government and council ministers whereas in the United states executive consists of the president who is both the head of state and government and delegates. Both countries share four year term of re-electing leaders with most of the top organ leaders holding electoral offices (UNESCO, 2009). Economics Iran is the second largest oil producer among OPEC member countries and it is the leading export commodity in the country. Agricultural products too such as wheat, rice etc contributes 10.4% of the GDP. The GDP stands at $852.6 billion and growth rate stands at 6.2% contrary to that of the United States GDP of$ 14.441 trillion and growth rate of 0.4% in 2008. The per capita income lies at $12,300 with an unemployment rate of 12.1%. Total exports amounted to $76.5 billion in 2008, 80% being from petroleum (UNESCO, 2009).These figures are quite insignificant compared with $1.283 trillion worth of export from the United States with a per capita income of $47,422 in 2008. The urban status has enjoyed lots of economic mobility due many opportunities emerging from government bureaucracies and revolutionary organization compared to the rural dwellers. Imports stood at $61.3 billion much being of industrial raw materials and military supplies (US Department of State, 2008). Access and utilization of health care The largest healthcare system is run and managed by the Ministry of health and Medical Education. It is charged responsibility to regulate and oversee healthcare system. However, access and availability of health care is limited particularly in provinces where figures indicate lower prevalence of diseases compared with nationwide figures. The government has also established low cost clinics to care for the law income. Able people mostly in the large cities of Tehran and Isfahan use private hospitals which charge heavy bills. This has boosted the Life expectancy of Iranian which stood at 70.8 years in 2008 with every citizen entitled to basic health care offered at subsidized rates by the government. In the United States, healthcare system lies on the private hands with a view government hospitals (UNESCO, 2009). Food, dietary habits and body image Several Iranian dishes originated from the Greeks, Arabs, Turks and Russians. This happened in the midst of human civilization through invasions. Their stable meal mainly comprises of larger amount of grains especially rice, fruits and vegetables with small amounts of read meat. A typical Iranian meal is often a heaping plate of rice spiced with greens (Spencer, 1997). About 6% of population of Iran is undernourished according to World Bank. This means they do not receive adequate nutrition. Of children too under the age of five, 16% are underweight and about 19% are stunted. This explains the nutrient deficiency in their diet. Stable food for Unites States is wheat and wheat product but their diet is much blended coffee, tea, fruit juices and cereals. They are quite accessible to balanced diets with low cases of nutrient deficiency (Spencer, 1997). Technology and mass media Iran still has limited media freedom in dissemination of information with the government being in control. The administration too is yet to allow the internet to be a public forum with government involvement in filtering the internet. Several cases of harassment and closure of internet cafes in Tehran with g rounds of no permits and promoting immorality but it became apparent that the closure was due to Iranians use internet to make low cost international calls making the ministry of Post Telegraph and Telephone lose significant revenues (Washington post, 29th September 2006). With such frustrations, Iranians remain tangled with their culture with limited use of technology equipments in their households. A big contradiction exists with the United States where internet access is accessible by majority of the population without filtration by the government (Spencer, 1997). Conclusion Cultural issues related to families in Iran, is much affected by their religion. Through such studies of their cultural differences, it has helped to better understand one another and fully appreciate what we share in common and make sense of our perceived differences. This kind of understanding, help clear perceptions of hostilities and appreciate our fascinating cultures. Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl: Analysis Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl: Analysis Lamb to the Slaughter is a wound, holding story of Mary Maloney, who kills her own particular spouse by hitting him with a solidified leg of lamb and after that concealing her wrongdoing and discarding the proof by encouraging the lamb to the policemen who come to examine the murder. This sharp story is created down to the littlest detail; each word and expression suggests something, frequently has a moment significance thus controls the perusers feeling. The component that makes this story significantly all the more intriguing, is that it is composed from the killers perspective, while the conclusion of the creator is still obvious. Roald Dahl adequately built up the hero both specifically and in a roundabout way; however the utilization the suspense is more overwhelming in light of the fact that it uncovers and clarifies Mary Malloneys activities. Roald Dahl utilizes the long, short sentences and dynamic wording to make strain,anticipation and suspense with a wide range of systems. Roald Dahl effectively used long sentences to make a rundown of dreadful or stressing points of interest, which makes a mind-boggling, claustrophobic or serious feeling. Mary Maloney is the primary character of the story, a character that Dahl goes to considerable lengths to build up deliberately toward the start of this breathtaking short story. Mary is obviously a committed spouse to her significant other, Patrick. Dahl sets aside opportunity to clarify her care for Patrick. What this representation plainly does not set us up for is the situational irony that comes when Mary slaughters her Patrick. At that point, Mary Maloney simply walked up behind him and without any pause, swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could. Mary has a sudden change of temper and feeling. We see her go from an enthusiastic, mindful and delicate lady to this imprudent, frightening and vindictive character. The suspense gradually develops when the begin of man y inquiries rises. The violence of the crash, the noise, the small table overturning, helped bring her out of shock. She came out slowly, feeling cold and surprised The descriptive language and the long sentence utilized as a part of the content genuinely includes a great deal of anticipation by building up the dreadful climate of the house and the feelings going through Marys mind leaving us holding our breaths and imploring that the house does not turn into a crime scene. She carried the meat into the kitchen, placed it on the pan, turned the oven on high, and shoved it inside. In this quote we are likewise given a great measure of detail in this long sentence to put accentuation and help foretell what will later on occur in the story; the meat getting eaten. Roald Dahl used long sentences that were utilized to slow a description down and to make a feeling of unwinding or time dragging later on adding to the suspense. Roald Dahl utilizes exact words to help foretell diverse occasions in the story that make suspence. When the clock hit ten minutes to five, she began to listen, and a few moments later, punctually as always. With the use of the word punctual we are in a path put into a condition of suspense where we are not sure anymore if he will come back knowing the frightening title. Close to the beginning of the story,Mary is extremely possessive of her life partner. The feeling however was not circulated to Mary. Hullo Darling Perceiving how Patrick is not demonstrating the affection this shows the condition of anticipation and pressure amongst Mary and Patrick and again helping us foretell what may happen later on .In conclusion, the use of the words imagine and visionized help with the suspenceful part of the story knowing Marys incautious practices. Her first instinct was to not believe any of it, to reject it all. It occured to her that she imagined or visualized Adding on, Roald Dahl used different words to improve the depiction and general state of mind, and help create the suspense and foreshadowing of the story. Roald Dahl used short sentences give us a dread, since we do not expect them for some time. It gives short sentences a startling quality, which is truly valuable for making suspense. The ending of the story definitely was made to keep the reader at the edge of his chair and to kick with suspense. Mary began to giggle This quote expands on the dramatic conclusion that is assume to leaves in a condition of stun knowing her arrangement and guile payed off. This keeps on building suspense with the impact of not knowing whether the police will genuinely uncover the puzzle of Patricks passing. Through the story we see the change in heart of Mary and her impulsive actions and thoughts taking over her. It made no difference to her. This quote genuinely speaks to how Mary will battle through anything to escape inconvenience. It demonstrates to us how as it were, she is frail for experiencing the greater part of this only because of her significant other leaving The anticipation begins to dev elop when we are not sure if the cops will fall into her trap or not. The lamb turns out to be a significant symbol in the sotry. A leg of lamb. This quote introduces the main symbol of the story which in a way create suspense due to the entitlement of the story. Roald Dahl used short sentences to the create shape isnt common. They stop. Out of the blue. It feels distracted. It is meant to keep the state of tension and suspense. All things considered, it is apparent that suspense and tension are made in the short story The lamb to the slaughter The author utilized long and short sentences and significant words t as a method for making the sought environment, and prevail with regards to accomplishing his point. However there are contrasts in which this making of frightfulness and tension are organized inside these stories. Taking everything into account, the story gives a stunning and anticipation encounter through various strategies and systems.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Film Analysis of Under the Moon Essay -- Analysis Movie Film

Introduction The sacrifices of a mother for her child can never be underestimated. The film Under the Moon depicts this precise example of a mother’s unconditional love for her son to the point of sacrifice. According to Lynch this mother followed the normal process for migration: preparatory stage, the decision to leave; act of migration, the process; the period of overcompensation, realizing the changes and doubting the decision; the period of decompensation, conflicting times and transgenerational impact, the migration process (Marci Hanson and E. Lynch, Developing Cross Cultural Competence, p.185). The family is Mexican. This line has roots in El Paso, Texas but Rosario, a single parent has migrated to Los Angeles, California in hopes of providing a better life for her nine year old son, Carlitos. California was the state of choice for many Mexicans, as many as 57 percent were legal immigrants according to Taylor (R. Taylor, Minority in the Families, p.89). Carlitos is left with his grandmother, who apparently has health issues. His godmother also has agreed to care of him as well. Carlitos watched his godmother’s calculating plans assist Mexicans in their escape to the United States; he wanted to receive the same assistance because he wanted to join his mother in the United States. The Structure of the Family This Mexican family is unique in that Rosario was a single mother. The culture of the Mexicans was very family oriented, and it was not common to have single parents among their culture during this time. According to Taylor the population of female headed household has steadily increased in the last decade but less appropriate in the Hispanic population (Taylor, p. 93). Her mother, apparently very ill too... working for, seemingly was running the household. It is interesting not a father to come into focus until Carlitos has almost completed his journey and yet his father, Oscar doesn’t step up to do those things that would be expected of a machismo male. This review does not fit the practical norm of the Mexican culture according to the reading as I understood it. I would say this family was more Americanize although they held some views Taylor and Hanson shared they were not overwhelming. Works Cited Lynch, Eleanor W. & Hanson =, Marci J, (2004). A guide for working with children and families: Developing cross-cultural competence (3rd edition). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Taylor, Ronald L. (2002). Minority families in the United States: A multicultural perspective (3rd edition). Upper saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Harry Potter :: Free Essay Writer

Harry Potter ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’, written by J.K. Rowling, is an excellent example of a modern novel that uses medieval influences extensively. Many of the novel’s characters are based on medieval ideas and superstitions. The settings in the book resemble old medieval towns as well as castles. The book is also full of medieval imagery such as knights in armour, carriages etc. Whilst there is no time travel involved in the novel, the medieval period is used to such an effect that the reader is encouraged to ignore the fact that the book is set in the present. People in the medieval era were quite superstitious. They believed in fictional characters such as witches and wizards. ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ is a novel based on the existence of witches and wizards in secret communities. The medieval period is well known for the hierarchy of society. The society consisted of landlords and their servants. This medieval element was brought into the story in the form of house elves. House elves are little creatures that work for the wizarding communities that have no rights and are unable to use any magic: â€Å"The tiny creature looked up and parted its fingers, revealing enormous brown eyes and a nose the exact size and shape of a large tomato†¦it was†¦unmistakably a house-elf, as Harry’s friend Dobby had been. Harry had set Dobby free from his old owners, the Malfoy family.† (p88) The novel also incorporates fictional animals that medieval people believed to be real. These include creatures such as dragons, trolls and three-headed dogs: â€Å"Dragons. Four fully grown, enormous, vicious-looking dragons were rearing on their hind legs inside an enclosure fenced with thick planks of wood, roaring and snorting- torrents of fire were shooting into the dark sky from their open, fanged mouths, fifty feet above the ground on their outstretched necks.† (p286) People living in the medieval era created stories about creatures such as these and heroes that defeated them. In this way ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ uses medieval influences. The settings used in ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ are typical of those found in literature of the medieval period. The opening scene is set in a very typical present day suburban street. The following scene is set at the ‘Hogwarts Castle’. A castle is a very typical medieval image used in a lot of medieval literature.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Police Force Essay -- American History, Police Training

Throughout history the police force has severely changed, with the first forms of policing appearing in the Anglo-Saxon period in England; where the king would provide protection to the civilians for a tax (Mawby, 1999). Centuries later and the principles of protecting the people are generally the same. However, in recent times crimes and perpetrators are becoming more sophisticated; the need for higher abilities to control and manage these complicated situations is becoming more prevalent. It can be seen that the entry requirements into the police force are also dramatically increasing over the decades. This paper aims to critically assess the effectiveness of higher education requirements by outlining the advantages and disadvantages and how it can be improved further. To gain a further understanding a brief history of the constant debate will be analysed. At the beginning of the twentieth century, in Berkeley, California, Police Chief August Vollmer expressed his encouragement for police to acquire a formal university education (Carte, 1973). Unfortunately it wasn’t until the late 1960s that significant debate arose from police leaders about the effectiveness and benefits of formal qualifications, and how it plays a role in police professionalism (Roberg and Bonn 2004). The first major debate in Australia occurred in 1990; when the National Police Professionalism Implementation Advisory Committee (NPPIAC) recommended that to achieve national professionalism in police services, a university qualification should be included in the education requirements (Trofymowych, 2008). Although the topic has been debated for almost a century only minimal requirements have been applied. In Queensland the current education requirements f... ...e early 1990s; it is recommended this should be the requirement instead of the current 18 months of tertiary education. The belief that the current 18 months is sufficient enough is very lacking. The main point which has been seen is to increase the ‘professionalism’ of an individual, however it is hard to believe that a person will be professional if they only achieve half a university degree then quit. A nationwide requirement needs to be set out as a minimum for the security of Australia; it is believed that the advancement of skills, methods and training can only be achieved through higher levels of education. It is unclear if police will ever attain ‘professional’ status; however it is believed that with the correct structure and implementation, higher education will play the deciding factor. Although it is also believed that there is still a long way to go.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Law Enforcement Today Essay

Trust is a huge issue police department’s face in today’s society. Society’s faith in policing has been diminishing as the century has passed because of corrupt police officers and brutality scandals. An immense amount of law enforcement administrators are overwhelmed with the task of again bringing a trust worthy structure to police departments. One reason for the corruptness is the extraordinary level of drugs, growing gang members, and guns in the different cities. Agencies are blind to see who they are hiring, some departments continue to hire the wrong type of people then are forced to participate in cover-ups of misconduct in hope the department will not receive a bad reputation. Money, a controversial issue, can be another factor. Officers that know and deal with the dangers of the daily life that citizens are living each day, are helpless to finding real hard-core evidence or gain real suspects as some small town departments are not funded for the more serious crimes. Stress is likely an issue that police officers in today’s society deal with. Humans just like the rest of us, police officers cannot show any symptoms of weakness in front of their co-workers, or emergency services as well as public safety workers, but more importantly the accused. Police officers do not have an easy job. These men and women are forced to make split-second decisions involving the life or death of not only themselves, but of the victims as well as the accused. Sometimes the decisions that officers make can result in serious injury or bring death to the wrong person. In some instances police officers are killed because they do not act quickly enough or make immediate decisions. Each day officers are subjected to danger and extreme mental coupled with physical stress. Unfortunately this intense amount of stress can cause officers to engage in brutal offenses, which reflect opon the department, such as beating the guilty or snapping on the innocence. Violence is another issue police department’s face daily. About 70 percent of police officers who suffer from bullet inflicted wounds leave the police force within seven years of the experience. â€Å"Police are admitted to hospitals at significantly higher rates than the general population and rank third among occupations in premature death rates (Sewell et al, 1988)† The federal government supports State and local authorities when their resources are in high demand or are predicted to be overwhelmed. The federal departments are there to respect the independence in addition to responsibilities of local, tribal, and State governments while providing assistance. The Department of Homeland Security also known as DHS is on the federal level, though state governments are assigned to lead the role in Homeland Security. In response to the assignment, many states brought together existing public security, law enforcement, and emergency response services by drawing them together and opening channels to other states. The connection between DHS, law enforcement, and intelligence has practically demolished as some law enforcement departments are becoming more like intelligence agencies while the existence of foreign intelligence is primarily improved. The Department of Homeland Security, in hopes of improvement, has established the six-point agenda. The agenda begins with 1. â€Å"Increase overall preparedness, particularly for catastrophic events 2. Create better transportation security systems to move people and cargo more securely and efficiently 3.  Strengthen border security and interior enforcement and reform immigration processes; 4. Enhance information sharing with our partners 5. Improve DHS financial management, human resource development, procurement and information technology 6. Realign the DHS organization to maximize mission performance. † In the year 2006/2007, Congress developed the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act which requires the Department of Homeland Security Office of Emergency Communications to create an order to provide a roadmap that will improve the Nation’s emergency communications purpose.  The National Emergency Communications Plan is a goal setter in hopes to enhance governance, planning, technology, training and exercises, as well as disaster communications capabilities. It also makes recommendations available which include improvements of the emergency response in emergency communications. Police departments can improve by cleaning up the corruption in their departments in addition hiring the right types of individuals, lowering the number of minutes in response time, and obeying the law themselves.